Ready to achieve your career goals?

Book a 60-Minute Session

As seen on:

The #1 Truth About Work...

We all want our careers to help us live healthy, happy, fulfilled lives.

Whether Happiness Means:

  • Financial security and abundance
  • Spending quality time with friends and family
  • Positive impact on your community
  • Experiencing the world through travel
  • Enhancing your mental and physical health

...we want work to help us live happier lives.

But it often does the opposite. Why?

Our parents and educators often project their values on us and encourage us to play it safe.

Our parents and teachers don’t always know how to help us figure out what we want out of our careers. In the interests of protecting us, they often just give us answers instead of encouraging us to ask questions.

They push us toward options they think are safe, high-status, lucrative, or obvious instead of the option that is most likely to make us happy. So we often develop a fear of the unfamiliar and a reflex for following the safe, obvious path.

Coaching helps you reconnect with your values and see them as worth fighting for.

American work culture demands compliance and self-sacrifice for the sake of the company.

We are inundated with cultural messages that pressure us to put work above everything else. We end up working as hard as we can and thinking we should be grateful for the opportunity. It makes us feel guilty for doing totally reasonable things like taking lunch, leaving on-time, or going on vacation.

But worse, it makes us afraid to ask for what we deserve, set boundaries, and stand up to mistreatment. It poisons our relationship with money, work, and our identities as professionals. And it traps us into making career decisions from a place of anxiety, insecurity, and fear.

Our primal fear of rejection and failure keeps us from taking risks to achieve our goals.

With so much pressure to perform and conform, it often feels too risky to take action on our goals. We're plagued by overwhelm, anxiety, paralysis, or pessimism and those difficult emotions drive us to extremes.

We do nothing, do everything, or get caught up looking for the "perfect" answer.

But all of these hold us back from betting on ourselves and taking the decisive, strategic actions that will move us forward. Coaching clears the mental clutter so you focus on taking bold, courageous action.

What does this mean for you?

You deserve a life you're proud and excited to live,
but building a career that gets you there often feels... so hard.

Prioritize your internal values over others' external values

Everyone has an opinion, but you are the only one who has to live with your choices. Start prioritizing you.

Learn to take action despite work-related anxiety

Anxiety is a normal human experience, but it doesn't have to in the driver's seat of your work life.

Develop a long-term mindset and a bias toward action

Get ahead by consistently investing in yourself to build momentum toward your professional goals.

Build theseĀ skillsĀ to move forward.

Are you ready to get to work?

Book a 60-Minute Session

"I just wanted to quickly update you on my interview and search to say that I was offered the housing org job this week and officially accepted. Thanks to your guidance I brought a different sensibility to the interview. And I must have done something different, because they offered me a higher level position than the one I initially applied for."

Jason S.

What does moving forward look like for you?

Let's get you there.

Book a 60-Minute Session

Ready to find your answers?
Start your journey today!

30-Minute Strategy Session


your 30-minute session includes

  • One 30-minute coaching session
  • Optional recording and transcript with lifetime access
  • Two weeks of email support after your session


Book Your Session

60-Minute Strategy Session


your 60-minute session includes

  • Journaling exercise tailored to your coaching goals
  • Review and feedback on your exercise prior to your session
  • One 60-minute coaching session
  • Optional recording and transcript with lifetime access
  • Two weeks of email support after your session
Book Your Session

"Phoebe, you are simply the best. You empowered me to take charge over my work, validated my ideas, and emphasized the importance of rest. I benefited from your outspoken, pointed communication. It made me feel challenged sometimes, but I always knew you had my back. Working with you has been a wonderful, fulfilling experience that made it easier to focus and forge on, despite the chaos in the background at work. You made me a better worker and person."

Vanessa P.

Learn more about your coaching benefits:

"Negotiating compensation has always terrified me so much that I've never tried. Before working with you, I would simply take the first offer and end up feeling like I might have left money on the table. Because I have!

So, after working with you and getting more comfortable with the idea of negotiation I used your tips along with what I learned from your interview course and applied during my job search. The interview sandwich answer from your workshop TOTALLY WORKED! I was moved to the next level in the interviewing process. Within a short time span, I got an offer that increased my salary by 34%!

By giving better and more impactful answers during the interview process, I could see the hiring managers were close to yes. So when it was time to talk compensation, I felt empowered and didn't worry about asking for more once I received an offer. And guess what? The company matched my counteroffer! Thank you, Phoebe!"

Andrea R.

Why work with me?

  • Learn the nitty gritty tactics that drive results
  • Tie it all to the vision you want for your life
  • Work through mental blocks together
  • Get one-on-one feedback whenever you need it
Book Your 60-Minute Session

Dive into the curriculum

Career Clarity

Develop a set of specific, well-articulated criteria for a career fit. Explore and validate career moves that meet your needs.

The Job Hunt

Access the shadow job market by developing your professional network. Successfully acquire a job that meets your criteria.

The First 90 Days

Establish strong relationships and clear definitions of success. Build work habits that establish and maintain healthy boundaries.

Phase 1: Career Clarity

At its core, "stuckness" is almost always caused by lack of clarity. In this phase, we'll develop a set of criteria – a rubric – you can use to evaluate your options and develop your career strategy. 

This rubric gives us a tool to break down overwhelm and indecision you’re not wasting your time on strategies that aren't aligned with your goals or jobs that won’t ultimately suit your needs.

Articulate your priorities:

  • What do you want to retain or acquire in your next role?
  • What do you want to avoid?
  • Why are those things important to you?
  • What are your questions and unknowns?
  • What are your mental or emotional blocks?

Evaluate your options:

  • What options have you considered before?
  • What options excite you?
  • What options scare you?
  • What do you know about your options?
  • What options do you want to learn more about?
  • What keeps you from pursuing these options?

ā€œPrototypeā€ your options:

  • What questions do you have about your options?
  • Who can help you answer them?
  • How can you build relationships with those people?
  • How can you increase your confidence in your options?
  • Do you need to build any skills or portfolio pieces to be successful?

"When I first came to Phoebe, I was looking for career clarity with a deep desire for better work-life balance.

Even though I've been in my field for a number of years, I had low professional confidence and a hard time seeing next steps. Through our work, I was able to vastly progress my understanding of the kinds of roles and jobs I'd like to pursue next AND I was able to move away from the job I was in that was no longer in alignment and land a new role as a critical stepping stone.

Phoebe has a wealth of tactical and strategic knowledge, and I came out of every conversation with new insights that helped inform my approach to everything I was facing, from difficult conversations in the workplace to interview prep.

Working with Phoebe was an amazing investment in myself, and worth every penny. I cannot recommend Phoebe highly enough, particularly if you've been unhappy with work and have an inkling that you need to create big changes for yourself."

Anna H.

Phase 2: The Job Hunt

Most people make the "spray and pray" mistake when job hunting. Applying to as many jobs as possible with the same materials and hoping for a callback.

Instead, we'll take a thoughtful, strategic approach that maximizing your chances of getting over the finish line for a job that fits your goals well  fast.

Access the shadow job market:

  • Is your LinkedIn attracting the right people and making a good impression?
  • Do you know how to leverage your existing network?
  • Are you a member of the right professional communities?
  • Do you have effective outreach strategies?
  • Do you have a high ROI network maintenance plan?

Hone your professional narrative:

  • What is your unique candidate proposition?
  • Do your application materials tell a compelling story?
  • Can you pitch yourself with clarity and confidence?
  • Do you know how to tell what an interviewer wants?
  • How can you manage your interview nerves?

Develop your negotiation skills:

  • How can you negotiate proactively instead of reactively?
  • What are your compensation needs and preferences?
  • What kinds of jobs are most likely to meet your needs?
  • How should you push back against hardball tactics?
  • How can you take charge of a negotiation?
  • How can you make adversarial negotiations collaborative?

"I wanted to thank you SO, SO much for helping me throughout this entire process. Thinking back to where I was in my job searching journey several months ago, I feel like a completely different person. I now have a level of confidence and a set of strategies to use in future negotiations that I never had — and honestly, that no one really ever taught me. I really credit your knowledge and experience, as well as our work together, to getting me to this point. I can't thank you enough."

Kat B.

Phase 3: The First 90 Days

Too many people pin all their hopes on the new job being the solution to all their problems. But that's almost never the case.

But with forethought and intention, you can set yourself up for success by avoiding problems before they arise.

Build healthy work-life boundaries:

  • What is your definition of work-life balance?
  • What mental blocks keep you from practicing it?
  • How can you set clear boundaries with stakeholders?
  • What will you do when your boundaries are tested?
  • How will you maintain your boundaries over time?

Make expectations clear and explicit:

  • What does success look like in the role?
  • How is success measured?
  • What do you need to do to make consistent progress?
  • How will you stay aligned on goals over time?
  • Who are the most important stakeholders in your work?

Build strong professional relationships:

  • Who are the most important stakeholders in your work?
  • What’s important to them?
  • How can you develop your relationships with them?
  • How can they help you learn your role more quickly?
  • How can you support them in their success?
  • How can they support your success?

"I can confidently say that I am a better worker because of Phoebe. During our coaching sessions, I learned how to better navigate difficult work conversations, effectively give upward feedback, and communicate more clearly to avoid friction later on.

As a woman in the workplace, my coaching sessions with Phoebe also helped me to feel more empowered to ask for more transparency, challenge assumptions, and to know my worth.

There were a number of times Phoebe made me realize that some phrases I was using were displaying my insecurities and she taught me to not only think differently, but communicate in a way that helped me better get across what I wanted.

Because of Phoebe I feel like I have a good foundation to become a great first-time manager in the future, and hope to share some of the lessons I learned from her with others."

Erica R.

Coaching builds your momentum and confidence:

Learn to break big, scary career goals into small, snackable tasks.

Learn to bravely confront mental blocks like anxiety, overwhelm, and insecurity.

Learn to stay in strategic mode even when your emotions want to go to panic mode.

Learn to stay get excited about the long game as we crush the short game

 But most of all, get comfortable taking bold, imperfect action. 

Book Your 60-Minute Session

Frequently asked questions:

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"Phoebe's workshops and coaching helped me get unstuck during a particularly tough job search and helped me re-evaluate my long-term goals and approach to work.

Her resume and LinkedIn review sessions were crucial and gave me a framework to improve my resume and LinkedIn profile that I'll continue to use for years after.

More importantly, Phoebe took a whole-person and empathetic approach to my job search and long-term career development. I continue to use many of the lessons and tips I picked up from Phoebe in my own work but also when I mentor and advise younger colleagues and peers."

Ron N.