Career Strategy Session

Due to high demand, my calendar is currently booked about a week in advance.

Need to talk it out?  

Get clarity with a 60-minute career strategy session to:

  • Articulate your career goals
  • Troubleshoot your obstacles
  • Design an effective action plan
  • Identify key resources for success

Let's dig into whatever is front of mind for you. Sessions are available Tuesday through Saturday, 8am - 7pm EST. Want to take your session with you? Opt-in to a session recording and transcription – free and yours to keep. 

Get real support on your challenges. Have more questions? 14-days of post-session support via email and voice messaging is included.

This offer is right for you if you're:

  • Need help with big picture career problems
  • Need support with a pressing issue at work
  • Need a safe space to be vulnerable
  • Want to "try out" career coaching

What's included:

  • Customized journal prompt with advance review
  • One 60-minute session
  • Optional recording and transcript
  • BONUS: 14 days of post-session support


Worth over $700 when sold separately.

Get this bundle for $249!

$249.00 USD